Mar 3, 20221 min

If Any Want To Become My Followers

Lent 2

Then He said to them all, “If any want to become My followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me. Luke 9:23

As you follow Jesus there will be situations in your life which test your endurance in the faith and times where you will be driven to search and study Jesus' life and words so you can securely understand how Jesus would handle the same situation that faces you. Rely on your faith in Him. Trust Jesus and follow Him.

Many times our 'why's' do not yet have an answer so you move forward daily as you carry your cross. Jesus' Cross was the most challenging that was ever given to humanity-- to be born of a virgin under a star in the shape of a cross for the Heavenly Father's Mercy Purpose-- to be nailed to an ungodly tree and make that a Cross.

Your Holy Savior has taken humanities' sins and died with that tremendous burden in order to redeem us from sin and evil. Praise Jesus for His love for us! He carries your cross with you as you follow Him, loving Him. He carries the heaviest part.

So carry your cross, follow Him, and claim His Victory over evil. Following Him you're clothed in Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Christ's Power is alive in you, in us. We are followers together, burden bearers, gratefully serving Him.
