Mar 19, 20202 min


Then Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people." Luke 11

Jesus is speaking, on the edge of the shore of Gennesaret lake, and the crowd pushes Him backwards. Their need for their Savior and Lord is tremendously great and in yielding themselves to Him they moved forward towards Him. Then Jesus has a good idea! Jesus chooses Simon's empty boat to sit in and talk to the people. It's a wonder that they didn't then swim out to Him but they don't.

Nearby on the shore, Simon and partners are washing their nets after a morning of no-catch. They listen to Him too. When Jesus finishes speaking to the folks, Jesus instructs Simon to put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch. Simon says that he will comply even though they just came ashore from catching nothing.

A marvelous drama occurs then! The nets are filled to the breaking point and partners James and John, sons of Zebedee, come to help haul in the best catch of the century. It is thrilling! Then a surprising thing happens. Simon says, "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!" For, in the Presence of Jesus we recognize our sinful unworthiness yet He loves us, puts us to His use, and transforms us (by the Holy Spirit) to be like Him.

"Do not be afraid," Jesus says to us. Jesus gives us plenty! He is overly generous, joyful, and He is power. Fear shrinks as our faith in Him increases.

Simon, James, and John then bring their boats onto shore. They make their choices. They leave everything and follow Jesus. While leaving a large fishing conglomerate to follow Jesus may seem startling, it does not surprise us. There is always plenty with Jesus. We know that. We experience that.

And the next thing that Jesus does shocks them at first, then they are thrilled again by His power!

Jesus pauses, standing before a man covered with contagious leprosy and touches him. They are shocked! Then the leper is cleansed of all leprosy by the healing love and power of Jesus. They are thrilled! Our Son of God has to power to heal, to halt fear, and to give hope.

We stand together in Jesus Christ, relying on His power. We humbly serve Him in obedience and take opportunities to speak living words of faith in Him. Let faith in Him increase as you put your whole trust in His plentiful power.
