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Anointing Jesus As Our King

Updated: Jun 9, 2019

Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. John 12:1-3

There are two women who anoint Jesus-- Mary of Nain (Luke 7) and Mary of Bethany (John 12). Mary of Bethany's brother is Lazarus whom Jesus resurrected after four days dead. Mary of Bethany goes into the dinner in Jesus' honor. She kneels before Jesus, crying in thankfulness, and anoints His feet for His Holy pursuit of salvation for us by dying on the Cross. She anoints Him as our King and Lord of our lives. And the fragrance of the extravagant pound of nard fills the house and beyond.

During this Holy anointing Mary shows us that we are not to count the cost of whatever it takes to thank our Lord for all that He does and what He will do in our lives to compassionately care for us. In a few days, when Jesus is on the Cross, this strong heavenly fragrance of love will be a blessed reminder to Jesus of His devoted followers who believe by faith He is The Christ Messiah.

Jesus is perfect love, unmatched by anything earthly we can experience. And throughout His salvific ministry as He taught, gave healing and new life, when He had to rebuke, and with a steady stream of miracles, has shown us that He wants each one of us to be in tight relationship with Him. Won't you come to Him today kneeling before Him like Mary of Bethany?

Then like her, with a heart filled with thankfulness, you'll find that He's got you in His Holy love. Thanks means everything. And you may rediscover this-- all that you do for Him and say about Him means so much to Him. Like Mary, let your love flow out to Him. For He is our perfect pure love. Our true love and abundant life.

To God be the Glory!

Rev. Patricia E. Walker,


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