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In High School it seemed to me that almost everyone was looking forward to Driver's Ed. Driving a car was going to give us adult freedoms! In Driver's Ed we got our driving 'smarts' through listening at Saturday classroom sessions. Then dramatically, at last class we were shown a movie of driving fatalities and the grisly details instilled super-caution within us.

Next, we were further educated by the safe driving instructor as we drove a real car that had an extra brake on the instructor/passenger side of the car. He nervously used that brake as he was teaching us. I found that the primary emphasis of both the in-class instructor and the in-the-car instructor was to take the long view when driving a car.

Coincidentally my youth group Sunday School lessons which my parents were teaching coincided with the Driver's Ed. lessons. Joshua had God tell him to go around the block seven times (around the enemy's walled city) then park and go in. And Isaiah took the long view of life's circumstances just as we were to look way ahead when driving a car. Bible lessons amazingly fit in with driving lessons!

My drivers-ed classmates and I had tremendous confidence in our driving abilities except for Cecilia, she was a timid driver. I spoke with my friend Cecilia often to instill hopeful confidence in her. Then it happened; she was elated. You see, she was out driving with the instructor and saw a car coming that the instructor had not seen so she hit the brakes! She become the class driving hero and her confidence soared.

Apostle Paul tell us, 'Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.' Hebrews 11:1 When we drive a care many times we do so with caution which leads to confidence. It is similar in life, isn't it? When we excel in our choices and work this gives us confidence. Faith's confidence, an assurance about what we do not see, grows more sure when the Lord shows you adept faith. Your Lord is your patient and perfect Instructor.


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