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Jesus hears; He answers

Peter tells us that he is a witness to the sufferings of Jesus and now is looking ahead to the glory of the Lord revealed. (Peter 5:1) August 5, 2010, thirty three men experienced a myriad of great sufferings. A Chilean mine collapsed, trapping them half a mile underground. Many time they prayed aloud together to Christ for rescue. Christ hears. He answers.

Peter continues, “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all Grace, who has called you to His eternal Glory in Christ, will Himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10) On day seven, one of the men argued with another man and almost killed him. Almost. Another man intervened and held his knife wielding hand, “Hate is for children. If we can just be good to each other. Let’s have a prayer together: Lord, open his eyes so he can see, Amen.”

During suffering we may loose sight of what is good. Choose a better path. Peter, the witness to Jesus’ sufferings, says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” Select to lay your sufferings down at the foot of Jesus’ Cross and yield yourself unto your Savior. Jesus loves you, more than anyone you know. Open your eyes, your heart, your mind. Take in His health.

The trapped miner’s food ran out on day seventeen, sufferings. During prayerful watch and wait, and as rescuers drilled multiple times—then they drilled with the intention of learning from their mistakes. Now called the Miracle in the Desert of Chile. Rescued on October 13, 2010, each of the thirty-three rode single in the capsule which pulled them above ground. Trapped sixty-nine days. Survival; by God’s Grace.

Jesus answers prayers. Jesus saves them. ‘To Him be the Power forever and ever. Amen.’ (1 Peter 5:11) Jesus did it for them and He does it for us. In trapped situations we speak the ‘Our Father…’ or whisper heartfelt words and He does it again. He saves His trapped loved ones. He is Love poured out into our lives. He’s the Power of Love.


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