When I married I wore a string of pearls. Dad had given Mother those same pearls as a wedding present when they married almost seventy years ago. When I look at a pearl it makes me think of their lasting love. When the Holy Spirit speaks to us through Jesus' Parable about the Pearl of great price it should make us think of Jesus Christ's lasting love.
Jesus says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant who found the strung my Mother's pearls. This man is searching for pearls and finds one of great price. And the price is so great that the merchant sells everything that he has and purchases the pearl of great price!
Now you may be saying that there is nothing in this world for which you would sell everything you have and purchase that one thing. Yet this is nowhere near the point that Jesus is making in His Parable.
Jesus is speaking about the Kingdom of Heaven which exists because of His death on the Cross for our sins, Jesus is anticipating His Resurrection, and so much so that when we believe with our whole hearts in Him we will not die either. And Jesus is pointing us to His gift to us of the Holy Spirit which is His real Presence within us. The Presence of Jesus Christ within our hearts is belief by faith.
Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of Heaven that believers in Him know about. The Kingdom of Heaven in this world is the absolute Rule of God. God has claimed the victory over every evil within all of us and the evil in this world truly because of Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. The Kingdom of Heaven within all Christians everywhere is our faith in Jesus Christ.
Only Jesus Christ is worth more than anything we will ever own. Jesus teaches us that the value of the Kingdom of Heaven is in our readiness to give everything else up. And when we believe in Jesus each day and are led by the Holy Spirit to do what Jesus needs us to do in obedience and love for Him, then that is when not one thing that we have in this life matters except Christ's lasting love within us. Because of Jesus we are children of the loving Heavenly Father and are within the Kingdom of Heaven.
“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46