John 1:14
The Word who is Jesus Christ is all Grace and Truth. Jesus is glorious salvation. Grace is found in Jesus’ love for us, though we are undeserving of the fullness and depth of that love. Even though each one of us has sin we find that when we humble ourselves and confess to Him then He forgives us.
His love is true love and He is truth itself. He fully knows our hearts and minds and loves us. Placing our faith in Him is our loving response.
Disciple John, our Gospel author, has lived with Jesus Savior and wants you to completely know Him. John wants you to know what he knows; that I AM gives us His Son who is perfect Jesus. He completes the rest of the burning bush sentence God started there– Jesus is I Am Light of the world, I Am Truth, I Am Grace, I Am Bread of Life, I Am Door, I Am Good Shepherd, I Am the Narrow Gate, I Am King of the Jews, I Am God your Heavenly Father’s oneness, and I Am The Resurrection and The Life. Jesus Savior is fully all grace and truth.
Jesus’ loving grace and the truth words, His truth life, reveals redeeming love and faithfulness to God’s plan for believers who follow God’s purpose. Holy Spirit aids in directing us in God's purpose.
Forgiveness is the result of God's Grace and Christ's healing. We are beneficiaries of His glorious forgiveness and Peace. As you abide in His Presence He rights your mind and heart, blesses you with laughter and positive thinking, and lifts you from the fog of fear to worry-less witness for Him.
And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen His glory, the Glory as of a Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth. John 1:14
Study Questions:
In what ways has Jesus shown you grace, His freely given unmerited favor and love?
Jesus is truth itself. With Jesus in your heart can you speak the truth at all times?
Of all the 'I Am's' that Jesus is, which one is your favorite and why?
Have you ever seen anyone forgiven by Jesus and receive His Peace? Has this happened in your life too?
More Scriptures to look at: 2 Timothy 1:9, Matthew 6:14, Ephesians 2:4-5, Hebrews 4:16