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Prop Up Prayers

Go into a closet …  Matthew 6:6

When my great great Grandfather Absalom Ray Bogel, Oklahoma Circuit Rider Preacher, was on horseback going from town to town to preach, he would laugh with his friends saying, “I have no closet to go into to pray so I’ll use this saddle to prop up my prayers!”

The Methodist people loved their Circuit Riders!  Weddings, Baptisms, and joining the Methodist Church were regular celebrations when the Preacher was in town.  And one of the greatest things that the Preacher taught was how to pray to Jesus with an open heart.

The expression ‘open heart’ means that you are expectantly listening to Jesus respond to what you are saying to Him during your prayer time.  Do you do this as you pray?  Are you able to teach a child how to do this? 

So then, guided by Christ to help and love one another we are reminded by Rev. Bogel that prayers while traveling are holy blessings.

With you in Christ Jesus, Rev. Walker


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