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 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.  “I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.  Matthew10:14-16

Click on the picture to go to Holy Communion/ Eucharist
Your Great Life
Jesus Christ
blessed Savior!

Christ Lessons

Alpha Church where
Jesus is the Alpha-- the beginning of our faith

and the source of our lives 

Family Portrait

Your Jesus Family

You have a new Family other than the one that you were born into!  We are one family Praising Jesus!  With Jesus you have a Family that has been brought about by His Resurrection.

Our roots are in Scriptural and Holy Spirit guidance as the Body Of Christ.  We study New Testament inspired Scriptures and humbly converse  with Jesus our Savior for Holy Spirit guidance-- then exchange with each other. 

He has found us and being found is fantastic.Jesus hears and speaks to us with Holy Spirit words.  We Praise Him!!  We are together in Christ Jesus' as His family.

As this ministry blesses you, 
give your offering at the link-- top of this main page.

Jesus Lessons, Holy Communion

Jesus Shows You How To Encourage
Who should we give encouragement to and what does that look like? 

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for."  Hebrews 11:1

Holy Communion infuses you with hope, healing, and righted heart's desires-- the Holy Spirit is poured out and you remember HIs shed blood and Jesus' broken body for your salvation and security in Him.

Jesus your
Savior and

Take Jesus as your Savior and Lord of your life. Here is what you do.  Listen to the video message, pray "Jesus come into my heart. You are my Savior.  Thank You for Loving me.", then let Rev. Walker know this is that day you've given your life to Jesus.  We want to  celebrate your Day together!

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Think on These:

By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.  Galatians 5:22-23

Bless others by giving fruit of the Spirit

Tackle A Problem
Join our Online Christian Global Church
Online Christian Global Church in Tulsa, OK

Alpha Church is a fully online Christian global Church in Tulsa, OK.

Our Worship Services involve people of every age, race, and ability. Because Worship is online here at Alpha Church, you need not sacrifice time with the Lord Jesus Christ for your other responsibilities of work, family, and organizational responsibilities. You may Worship twenty-four/seven. Take Holy Communion and Worship with other people like you who are growing in their faith and understanding of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Our service of Holy Communion provides you with a regular opportunity to commune with the holiness of the Lord.


Our Christian Bible Studies, Christian book discussions, and Christ-centered prayer groups join you with other heartfelt believers in faith in Jesus. If you are a new Christian, we have video bits that help you to know what to do next in your faith journey, just go to the Worship page and click in the Services section. 


We have found that persons with Autism are specially infused with Christ's Presence when Worshipping here at Alpha Church and because of the unique visually active means with which our Worship Services are delivered. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter, and with that subscription, you will receive a blog notice posting that is inspirational and uplifting. You may find our Pastor, Rev. Patricia E. Walker, on Facebook by searching for 'Patricia E. Walker.' Also, become a follower of our Wix Blog, too. An offering or tithe may be given through PayPal, and we appreciate your inclusion of Alpha Church in your prayers.


Our mailing address is below

online Christian global Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Christ Forum

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Contact Us

 Address is PO Box 33097, Tulsa, OK  74153

Rev. Patricia E. Walker

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© 2024 Alpha Church

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