She had endured much under many physicians and had spent all that she had, and she was no better but rather grew worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, for she said, “If I but touch His cloak, I will be made well.” Mark 5:26-28
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Alpha Church where
Jesus is the Alpha-- the beginning of our faith
and the source of our lives
Her story, deeply rooted in ancient culture, highlights the incredible strength found in faith in Jesus. Despite facing debilitating pain and social isolation, she dared to reach out to Jesus for His Love.
Jesus Lessons, Holy Communion
Holy Spirit Directs
Jesus your
Savior and
Tackle A Problem
Join our Online Christian Global Church
Online Christian Global Church in Tulsa, OK
Alpha Church is a fully online Christian global Church in Tulsa, OK.
Our Worship Services involve people of every age, race, and ability. Because Worship is online here at Alpha Church, you need not sacrifice time with the Lord Jesus Christ for your other responsibilities of work, family, and organizational responsibilities. You may Worship twenty-four/seven. Take Holy Communion and Worship with other people like you who are growing in their faith and understanding of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Our service of Holy Communion provides you with a regular opportunity to commune with the holiness of the Lord.
Our Christian Bible Studies, Christian book discussions, and Christ-centered prayer groups join you with other heartfelt believers in faith in Jesus. If you are a new Christian, we have video bits that help you to know what to do next in your faith journey, just go to the Worship page and click in the Services section.
We have found that persons with Autism are specially infused with Christ's Presence when Worshipping here at Alpha Church and because of the unique visually active means with which our Worship Services are delivered. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter, and with that subscription, you will receive a blog notice posting that is inspirational and uplifting. You may find our Pastor, Rev. Patricia E. Walker, on Facebook by searching for 'Patricia E. Walker.' Also, become a follower of our Wix Blog, too. An offering or tithe may be given through PayPal, and we appreciate your inclusion of Alpha Church in your prayers.
Our mailing address is below
online Christian global Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma