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The skies are a whole lot friendlier when a group of the world's most beautiful porn stars pose as slutty flight attendants and sneak onto a plane to shoot a reality show. Cleared for take-off, the Captain leaves the real stewardesses detained in security. Sex erupts aboard the flight, and the horny bliss proves too much for the weak-hearted pilot. Now it's up to Digital Playground's girls to land the plane to safety.
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Tune out the picture; turn off the sound. Head into the King Edward Saloon, situated beneath the 110-year-old landmark hotel-turned-SRO the King Edward. Except for the seven muted televisions showing old movies, and a little Roy Orbison on the jukebox, King Eddy's is quiet. The weak light coming through the windows makes it hard to see people's faces. Slowly, one side of the long bar comes into relief. A dozen men, drinking alone or in pairs, sit so silent and still they could be made of wax. There's a bodybuilder gone to fat, a loose tank top showing what were his pecs; a thin African in a dusty blue blazer; a few truckers; a handful of men over sixty with Dust Bowl faces, sunken cheeks and thousand-yard stares.
\u201CYeah, that's what it is. I make movies, videos. We're about to do another one, in Africa,\u201D Cowboy says, pulling out a business card. \u201CI'm staying out here in my motor home tonight, but I'm leaving tomorrow. Here, take down these numbers.\u201D He rattles off the numbers to his cell, his pager, his office, his mobile. He makes Liz write them on a napkin, then read them back to him. \u201CThat's it. You want to do it, you have to call me by eight a.m.\u201D
\u201CLet's see,\u201D Winter and Brittany say. The girl lifts her shirt and bra and shows the girls, and the entire right side of the bar in the process. There is no reaction whatsoever from the latter.
Without anyone noticing, Little Honeybun has crossed to the other side of the bar, and is dancing fluidly to the Crusaders' \u201CStreet Life.\u201D She looks like a fading though still-radiant movie star. The old men next to her scoot their stools back slightly, giving her room to glide. 076b4e4f54