Jesus said that it is vitally important that you speak about your faith in Him. In Matthew 10:32-33 He says: “Everyone, therefore, who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven, but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven."
Acknowledge Jesus at every meal. Praying out loud at mealtimes may include closing your prayers saying, "In Jesus' Name, Amen." In this way, those at the meal with you will hear about your faith in Him. Yet, speaking of Him not only in your meal prayer and also when you have reason to thank Jesus. Saying, "Thank You Jesus!" quietly during the day and finds that others are listening because some say, "Amen," just as quietly.
So in these two small ways, and you have many other opportunities to acknowledge Jesus each day, you are an evangel. The word evangelist is a popular word when a preacher is on fire with Holy Spirit energy as she preaches! In Acts 1:8, our Risen Lord says, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Here Jesus is speaking of each believer as an evangel, making up billions around the World as we represent spoken witness to our Living Savior!
And lastly, how do you share about your relationship with Jesus when someone asks you to speak to them about Him? Speak from your heart and Holy Spirit will help you-- Jesus knows you completely and loves you; Jesus came into your life when you humbled yourself before Him and changed you to be more like Him; Jesus is the most caring Living Savior that you could have ever dreamed of and life is really good because you have Him!
With you in Jesus Christ,
Rev. Walker
