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Jesus Leads Us

Isaiah says, '... and a little child shall lead them.' . The child is Jesus.

Haiti devastation, Afghanistan turmoil, Africa's suffering, and family losses remind us to shield our children so their childhood memories will be of growth. In this we confirm that God is with us. It is for our children our heads bow together in prayer's strength. Strength is like a child running down the small sloping hill and hopping over the grave markers and headstones at his Great-Grandfather's funeral.

As he runs he seems to glide effortlessly in his jumps and landings. Down and back the hill he runs, concentrating on the lifts over underground deteriorations. So much unbridled energy! He's already been taught that when we die our spirits are in heaven with loving Jesus.

The grief and depression that we experience creates our need for funerals and memorial services. These begin our healing because we go to Jesus together. We choose Jesus. He has the life giving Spirit of God which revives us. Our hearts lift like the little boy's leap and our energy will return as Holy Spirit cares that we have experienced a loss of a loved one. Jesus is the One who leads us in all of life, death, and Resurrection.

Jesus leads us.

The wolf shall live with the lamb,

the leopard shall lie down with the kid,

the calf and the lion and the fatling together,

and a little child shall lead them. Isaiah 11:6

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