Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12
Glorious hope may be generational, something we remember when in dire need, or as easy as breathing! Jesus' words are filled with hope! "I Am the Messiah," John 4:6; "I Am the Light of the world," John 8:6; "I Am the Way, Truth, and Life," John 14:6; and more! Place your hope in Christ and He will not disappoint you!
Your ability to hope may be one of the best skills for staying Positive daily. And because hoping causes you to look to our Lord, your talk with Him receives Positive direction!
My Dad had a fabulous ability to Hope and share his Hope. Why? Because he had found Romans 12:12 which mentions that rejoicing is a major part of Hope. Notice the Scriptures says that hope and rejoicing are intertwined! This is how I saw it work in Dad's life.
I watched Dad being hopeful when he put the first four-state four-color press in his printing business and with each printing job he rejoiced to the Lord! I learned from Dad to be hopeful for family gatherings when love was shared and conversations drew us nearer to each other. He was hopeful as he gave teaching Sunday School his everything and rejoiced afterwards that Holy Spirit was moving within their hearts! He was a man of great faith, assured he was saved by Christ's blood on the Cross and loved by Jesus.
Faith in Jesus gives us hope; for when you put hope into the equation of your life and then rejoice, you may find you are serving God's mighty Son with your everything!
