His Holiness lives within heartfelt minutes. Jesus is so very near as preparations to celebrate His Birth move us, for the very fibers of our beings are alive with His Holiness. Holy undergirds us and we know without a doubt that His Powerful Holiness resides within us and includes our believing global kin.
Notice that His Holiness quiets our rushing, longing, must-haves and must-dos, and for many of us His Holiness quiets our sorrows. Recall that the Angel told Mary that the Baby would give God's Holiness to us. Son of God has. Because of God's Child our hearts are a symphony of Holiness. Reside with Him, loving Him. He is Son of God. Beloved, gratitude entwines our hearts.
The Angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the Power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the Child to be born will be Holy; He will be called Son of God. Luke 1:35