But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
Praying each morning for every country and the families of those dying from Covid19; and praying for God's Mercy for our sins of pride and selfishness because globally we have an anti-virus that could rid the world of Covid19. Where lies the victory during this worldwide pandemic that continues to attack us? It is found in the One Victory which Christ gave us on Easter morning: Jesus Christ's Resurrection.
His Resurrection is the Gift which becomes our marvelous answer in faith to the multitude of questions-- suicide, murder, violent death, death in sleep, gun accidents, shooters, and all of these. To all of these the answer is, "This is why Christ Rose from the dead." Where the world sees loss, Christians by faith see Christ's Resurrection Victory.
For all our wrong choices, for all the stupid actions, and for those who thought there was no other way out, this affirmative

sentence has the full Gift to us encapsulated within our faith's recognition, "This is why Christ is Resurrected; for this person and for us." Even in the worst that can happen to us Christ Resurrected is with us for He will never betray or abandon us. There is victory each day only because of His Resurrection and we stand together strong in prayer and mighty in loving activities.
So we live through these as babies are born, Baptisms bless us, kids graduate and take jobs, marriages are celebrated, and we love each other as best we are able. Christ's love is alive and ties our hearts together to make this world a better place as best we can by the Grace of God. Christ's Resurrected not only gets us through, He gives us glimpses of victory each day.