He is willing to update his worldview daily. Ben sits in front of the computer for Bible Study, and world news. He forms his prayer life around news, chats online with folks who need sage advice if he's got it. He manages his stocks online and is hoping when he speaks up for Jesus it will make a difference in others lives. Ben is ninety and in a nursing home.
I accidentally met him because I was misdirected by a nurse in order to hand out a Sunday School quarterly Adult Bible Study book. I was looking for someone else and met Ben. He is the only nursing home resident I've ever met that has a superpower computer with large screen in his nursing home room. Though our conversation was short, I marveled at his routines as he spoke intentionally and with his mind clear as a youth.
Ben is our Isaiah 40:31 inspirational example: ...but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
To God be the Glory!
Rev. Patricia E. Walker, AlphaChurch.org