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Walking Into Friendship

As I was out walking my dog, a young woman spoke to me about her belief in Althena, the goddess of wisdom. I was astounded! I honestly thought that kids in school studied the times of mythology as a historical segment yet not as a belief system. And as this part of our conversation came at the end of our walk and she ran down the street to her home, the experience made me remember Apostle Paul

At the Areopagus in Athens, Paul told his intelligent audience of philosophers and civic leaders that he had wandered about town and saw their alters to different gods and goddesses, and he saw that they were religious. Next he indicated his interest in a pagan altar to an unknown god and shared Jesus Messiah and the Good News of His Resurrection.

Paul said that God does not live in shrines made by human hands. That God made everything and we are God's offspring. God does not live in idols. God calls people everywhere to repent, in that God has fixed a day for the judgement of righteousness by Jesus, who has been Raised from the dead by Resurrection.

Many humbled themselves and gave their lives to Jesus. (Acts 17:16-34) Our prayers today are that those who believe in idol worship will reveal themselves to us and , as Apostle Paul, the words give to us by the Holy Spirit for a witness to Jesus Christ be anointed for His Glory as we speak His Name to others as Good News.


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Rev. Patricia E. Walker

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